UK Supplies of Branded USB Flash Drives

Branded USB Flash Drives are forecast to be one of the most popular promotional products of 2011. Their growing popularity is underpinned by falling prices, repeat usage of the product, high perceived value and with USB flash drives, you have the ability, unlike any other promotional product, to pre-load the drive with your marketing material, sales brochures and press releases etc.

By pre-loading the USB flash drives with your sales material you transform an inert promotional product into an active sales tool that can deliver a wide range of messages (presentation slides, media files, audio clips, PDF’s). Compared to other similar priced promotional products USB flash drives “punch above their weight” and deliver a range of benefits to the giver and the receiver that are difficult if not impossible to match.

Such is the demand for branded USB flash drives that there are times during the year when they are difficult to source or at least source with a reasonable lead time. Part of the reason is that all USB flash drives are manufactured in China and China’s National Holidays can play havoc with lead times. The worst period is in the run up to, during and shortly after Chinese New Year. This is a period that typically spans three weeks although it can take longer for the factories and the international carriers to get back up to speed and for typical lead times or 7 to 10 days to be restored.

If you need branded USB flash drives in a hurry then you’ll need to track down the relatively few suppliers that carry blank stock in the UK and can offer an express printing service. Typically only the larger, more established and more professional suppliers carry UK stock of Flash Drives because they tie up cash and there is no certainty of demand for the models/styles held in stock.

Branded USB Flash Drives

One such supplier is USB2U. USB2U have been around since 2002, they typically carry a wide range of UK stock across various models, memory sizes and colours and because they are used to the challenges presented by Chinese New Year they stock up in advance. So, if you are looking for a UK supplier of branded USB flash drives and you need them in a hurry then give the team at USB2U a call.

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