Portfolio of Branded USB Memory Sticks
If you’re thinking of buying some branded USB memory sticks for your company, your school or your university and you’re in need of some inspiration then check out the USB2U Flickr pages.
On these pages you’ll find various different collections and sets of high quality images of branded memory sticks including the standard twister model, leather flash drives, USB credit card versions and some great examples of custom (fully bespoke) USB memory sticks.
The beauty of looking at these images is that they show you what real printed, engraved or embossed USB sticks look like when they produced. These are not “Photoshop” images created by some clever graphics guy but real photographs of jobs produced on behalf of customers.
There are hundreds of photographs in the collection including images of the range of presentation and gift boxes that the USB memory sticks can be supplied in. Some of the presentation boxes have been printed which again helps if this is an option you are considering.
The photographs help you to see just how good the print quality can be on these USB sticks but the quality of the finished product is dependent upon the quality of the original artwork supplied. To achieve this finish you need to be able to supply high-resolution images in either .ai (Adobe Illustrator) or .eps format and ideally the artwork needs to be vectorised. If you’re not sure what you have or what you need to supply just speak to your supplier’s graphic designer (assuming they have one)
The credit card USB flash drives shown on the Flickr pages also illustrate how much extra space you have to work with on these particular products. They’re ideal if you have a particularly large image or logo you want to print or an image that has lots of complex gradients and colours. As you’ll see from the examples combining a complex image with a phone number, a website URL and a strap line is easy. Credit Card USB’s are only marginally more expensive that standard USB flash drives and they work the same way so they’re strongly recommended for complex artwork jobs.
The USB2U Flickr pages are updated regularly so it’s worth bookmarking the page and checking back every now and then.