More stunning Custom USB Memory Sticks

We’ve seen a bit of a run on orders for fully customised USB memory sticks over the past few weeks and as ever the end results look stunning. These latest examples illustrate the breadth of what’s possible and the quality of the finished product.


What’s interesting about these models is that they show you what can be achieved with PVC (the standard material used for custom USB memory sticks) and metal (as shown here with the F1 cars and Planes) – both materials make an impact but in subtly different ways:

  • Custom Metal USB Memory Sticks tend to rely on the shape of the product to get their message across, they’re often engraved but more than anything they’re heavy! If say you’ve ordered X500 of these then you’ll know it when they arrive because the box they come in will take some lifting!

    The upside of this is they make a real “physical impact” when they’re handed out and there is no denying the look of quality they exude. The downside is the weight – they’re not the sort of thing people are going to pop on the end of a keyring or carry around every day in their pocket. Think more “paperweight” than the small, light USB sticks you pick up in your local PC store.

  • Custom PVC USB Memory Sticks are easier to mould, easier to produce, they are typically manufactured in full colour and intricate detail is not a problem. The end results are visually stunning and are they rarely fail to impress. Of course some products lend themselves to being turned into a custom USB sticks more than others but anything is possible.

    Compared to the metal versions PVC models are light and a loop can be factored into the design/mould if you want your customers to be able to attach them to a keyring or lanyard.


Whichever custom option is chosen (metal or PVC) there is no doubt that they generally make a much bigger impact when handed out than standard “printed” USB sticks and they have a tendency to go viral with people posting photos of them on websites like  Pinterest, Flickr and Instagram! So, if you want to give your advertising or marketing campaign a bit of a kick then you might want to consider commissioning your own Custom Drives – remember at the end of the process you’ll own the design and mould so the finished drives will be unique to you!

Order Custom Flash drives from USB2U during May or June and we’ll waive the normal tooling and set up fees and we’ll drop the minimum order quantity to 200 pieces!

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