How to Choose Your Custom USB Flash Drive Memory Size

There are a lot of decisions to make when buying something new and technology is no different. In fact, buying a technical item is probably one of the hardest, you have to learn about then product and what is important in all of the gigahertz, megabytes and processor figures that are thrown at you.

disk utility screen shotWe are well aware that buying branded USB memory sticks is no different and can be a bit of a minefield.  The first problem is choosing the right promotional USB memory stick company but with the product range, service and standard offers that we give all of our customers we don’t think that is a hard decision to make.  The next problem is choosing the style, memory size, quantity and services that you want to make your logo USB flash drives personal for your customers and right for your company.

One of the biggest factors impacting the price of the USB stick is the memory size on the flash drive (to see more information about what impacts the cost of flash drives see one of our previous articles: Why do small quantities of USB flash drives cost so much?).  We find that most customers have problems choosing the right memory size for their USB.  So, if you are one of these customers, we have made three points to consider when choosing the right amount of megabytes or gigabytes in your logo USB flash drive.

  1. USB Data Loading - One of the first things to consider is whether you want to have sales and marketing information or any files pre-loaded onto your flash drives.  If this is the case then the size of the files will help you work out the minimum flash drive memory that you need to accommodate for the information size.
  2. USB Flash Drive Use - What is the purpose of the promotional USB flash drive?  If they will be used purely as a promotional handout then a 256MB or 512MB flash drive might be appropriate.  However, if the branded flash drives are for customers to use repeatedly or for internal employee use then anything from 1GB up to 16GB or in some cases 32GB.
  3. Brand Exposure – Smaller memory flash drives are least likely to be used and sometimes even thrown away by customers once they have viewed the files and discovered that they are a low capacity flash drive.  In contrast larger sized flash drives will be of much more use to customers and most likely be re-used gaining much more brand exposure to the customer and others.

The points above should hopefully help you work out the exact size of the flash drive size that you need for your promotional flash drive and if not, at least point you in the right direction.  That should make at least one decision in buying your perfect custom USB flash drives easy, now you just have to pick the model, services and quantity…

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