How is USB2U HQ Staying Safe During the Return to Work?
All around the country, companies are beginning to return to work following the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic, and this means employers have a duty of care to their employees, trying to keep them safe whilst they are at work, whether that is an office, a supermarket or a warehouse.
Here at USB2U HQ, we have been putting in place a number of policies to help ensure that everyone here remains safe during their stay at work.
Firstly, anyone who shows symptoms of coronavirus, including a high fever, a persistent cough, or a loss of smell or taste will be told they should go home immediately, and to get a test to confirm whether or not they have the virus. At this point we will be contacting employees who have worked somewhat closely to this individual. This is to limit the spread at the initial source, should it happen. Any positive results will of course result in both that person and the close contacts having to self-isolate. Employees will also have to self-isolate if they have a person in their household displaying symptoms, or having had a positive test.
In the office and warehouse areas itself, we have set up hand sanitiser dispenser points at all entrances, as well as at regular points throughout the premises including all toilets and kitchen areas. Alongside this, we have provided free PPE to all of our employees as they return, which is being done in a phased manner, with face masks and personalised hand sanitiser. As we bottle hand sanitiser in the warehouse itself, we are incredibly unlikely to ever be running short, and so employees can always ask for more should they feel they need it. Alongside this, we have set multiple areas of signage up, reminding people that they should remain socially distant from each other where possible to help prevent any potential outbreaks should they occur. |
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Perhaps the biggest issue on our premises regarding employees social distancing is the busy corridor areas between the office and warehouse or factory area, as well as any stair areas leading to the second floor. Because of this, we have decided to implement a one way system between the office and warehouse areas, as well as on the stairs going up onto the second floor. This is to prevent people passing each other on a regular basis whilst not impeding their productivity. We have clearly sign posted this via floor signs located at the entrance to each area and are ensuring all employees are made aware of this. We have also limited the toilet areas to one person at any time, to prevent people being in smaller confined rooms together at any point. This is the same for all smaller rooms, and even our print room and design studio are being limited to fewer people. Not only this, but on their return to the office, every employee must complete a special covid-19 return to work form, detailing them of all changes being implemented by the business, as well as asking them questions to ensure they understand that having any symptoms means they should inform someone and return to their home. |
If you are looking to get some PPE to ensure you can help your business protect it's employees from the coronavirus, why not take a look at our range of protective equipment? Alternatively you can contact us on 01604 685 040.