Custom Memory Sticks – Why?
Branded USB Memory Sticks are incredibly popular at the moment with literally millions being produced for schools, universities and companies around the world.
Their popularity stems from the intrinsic usefulness of the product itself, their perceived value, their portability and
their effectiveness at carrying and promoting the brand of the company who distribute them or give them away.
But, in some ways their growing popularity can also dilute the effect they are purchased for. Familiarity breeds contempt and we can all get too much of a good thing. After all no matter how useful they are there are only so many USB memory sticks that you can realistically use or want.
There is no doubt that the if you are looking to distribute data; be it presentation slides, documents, video footage, music, applications etc then branded memory sticks are a convenient and handy way to do it. They are reasonably cost effective, there is a wide range of them available and they look good printed with a brand or logo on.
But, if you are looking for something that will create a “wow” factor, something that will really give your brand or product a boost and maybe get some “viral” type of discussion going then its worth considering a custom USB memory stick.

Once only the preserve of large corporates with big budgets and in-house design teams, custom USB memory sticks are now within the budget and grasp of pretty much anyone ordering just a few hundred sticks. All that’s needed is an idea or concept and a local supplier who is able to work with you on the art of the possible.
Don’t restrict yourself when brainstorming ideas because pretty much any shape can be produced. There are some great examples of custom USB sticks that you can see on the web in the shape of vehicles, fruit, wine bottles, beer cans, cartoon characters, erasers, pills etc. You name it and it can be manufactured.
There are also many materials a custom USB memory stick can be manufactured from including but not limited to plastic, PVC, ABS, Silicon, PET, rubber, wood, leather and metal. If in any doubt ask your supplier and get some samples so you can feel/see how the material influences the finished product. Be aware that for some intricate designs the factories may not be able to manufacture them in all of the materials available.
A well-designed and manufactured custom USB stick will engage with your target audience and deliver a much bigger boost to your advertising or marketing campaign than a standard, printed, memory stick. Do though allow a little more time for the production and do work with a local supplier that has experience of delivering custom USB solutions. They will guide you through the process, help with the design and will have access to a number of factories that can manufacture your custom sticks.