Branded USB Memory Sticks in 48 Hrs – No Problem for USB2U
The shutters are down, the factories are not quite in darkness and machines have not quite been turned off but new orders for branded USB memory sticks with a delivery date before the start of Chinese New Year are no longer being accepted.
So, from today any new order for branded USB sticks will not be delivered until mid February at best and possibly later because there are always delays when the factories return from a prolonged holiday. It takes the factories and the infrastructure that supports them a few days to get back up to speed and this includes the international courier companies that ship the printed USB memory sticks from the factories to the UK.
So, if you’re looking to place a new order for branded USB sticks and you wanted them in a hurry your only option is to find a UK supplier that holds stock and is able to get them printed and branded for you.
This is not as easy as it might sound because whilst there are lots of companies claiming to be the “No.1 supplier” of flash drives in the UK very few of them actually hold any stock. Even when they do its typically just a few hundred Twister flash drives in black and in one memory size; typically 1GB.
Holding a wide range of blank USB flash drives in different colours and different memory sizes is something most UK
suppliers try and avoid because it requires a significant investment and has an impact their cash flow. For others they are simply too small to take this commitment on and unfortunately for their customers this means a long wait.
USB2U is one of the few genuine large players in the promotional USB market and always carries a large stock of blank stock to ensure that its customers are not disappointed. As well as making a significant investment in stock USB2U has a dedicated in-house design team who can turn around mock-up requests and concept ideas in just a few hours. As a result USB2U can deliver printed and customised USB flash drives from initial enquiry in as little as 48hrs. So, if you’re in a hurry for branded USB memory sticks or perhaps you’ve been let down by your regular supplier then give the team at USB2U a call on 0800 008 7079