30 Uses for a Branded USB Credit Card
Custom USB flash drives are now firmly established as a key tool within the Promotion and Sales industry. Whether you have a sales event or want a convenient way to distribute information about your offering, branded memory sticks are the way to go.
Out of all the different types of custom memory stick available, USB Credit Cards have been the big hit of late! Their success is down to the large print area on the cards and their ability to carry up to 16GB of data in a really convenient shape that adheres to the basic “form factor” of a credit card, and fits nicely into your normal purse or wallet!
Not only that, but they support full colour and photo effect prints and can be supplied in a complementary wallet or case. Costing just a little more each than a standard “stick shaped” memory stick they are certainly worthy of consideration particularly if your target audience is ABC1.
Still not convinced? Read on to find out how branded USB cards can work for you…
1. Business cards – USB Cards are often printed front and back to look like a Business Card, but they are pre-loaded with lots of information about the person whose name is on the card and the company it’s being issued on behalf of - typically links to websites, PDF brochures and links to LinkedIn pages are pre-loaded onto the cards.
2. Business “Giveaway” – the cards make great leave-behinds after a business meeting – print them up with your company logo, images of your products etc and use as an innovative way to leave your mark
3. Giveaway at trade shows – draw people to your stand with a USB card and use this instead of a printed flyer/brochure. Pre-load the card with the same information though – it’ll help save on the cost of printed material, carriage and storage
4. Direct Mail Campaigns – Include a USB card in any Direct Mail campaign. Stick the card to your flyer/mailer– the cards are so thin and light that they will fit into a standard envelope and are light enough to still be classified as standard post. Of course you can then load tons of information and offers onto them!
5. Press Events – USB flash cards make fantastic handouts for press launches (and lunches!) – journalists are happy being given them particularly when they are pre-loaded with digital copies of all the press packs, press releases and product images etc. This means they’ve got less to lug around afterwards, so always a winner!
6. ID Badges – use them with a lanyard to create an ID badge and store personal information on the flash memory
7. Use with a pin clip to create a simple name badge – again the cards can be pre-loaded with relevant personal information.
8. Print with a photo on and use as a Photo-ID badge – again lots of scope to pre-load information on the memory tucked inside the card.
9. Use as a party or wedding invite – pre-load all the event information on the USB cards about the happy couple, the venue and the ceremony (and of course lots of embarrassing photos from the Hen and Stag do’s)
10. Table name cards – use at an evening dinner event or wedding reception and personalise the cards with the guests name, then place them on the table to help people know where they are sitting.
11. Print up with a QR code which can be scanned and take your customer directly to your website.
12. Birthday Party Invitation – Print them up to look like a birthday party invitation and pre-load the cards with lots of information about the party. You can also have a bit of fun by pre-loading the cards with a montage of photos of the birthday boy or girl – the more embarrassing the better.
13. Use as a season ticket – printed to look like any standard season ticket (with photo and or barcode), but this time load the USB cards with all the information about the club, the team, the players and the fixture list.
14. Car dealership brochure replacement – print the USB cards with the great images of the latest model(s) and load with tons of images, fact sheets, price lists, videos, financing options etc on the cars
15. Shopping Centre USB Card – print with a great image of the shopping centre on one side and the opening hrs etc. on the back but pre-load the flash memory with details of every store, the shopping centre layout, the parking and as much other information that you can get your hands on – you’ll have up to 16GB of space so there is lots of scope.
16. Turn into a music USB card – ideal for a band to promote their music, their gigs and their videos – stuff the memory full of taster tracks, video clips, details of forthcoming gigs, biographies of the band members, links to the bands websites and twitter pages etc.
17. Sell your house with a USB card – abandon traditional paper agent details and go for a fully interactive version on a USB card. Print the front and back of the card with images of your property, add your contact details, and load the memory with photos, details of the local schools, any survey information, video clips and any other information you might have about the property.
18. Promote your theatrical performance or concert with a USB card – print the card up with some great images of the performance and/or the venue and then pre-load the card with video and music clips of the performance, copies of any physical marketing flyers, details of the seating plan(s), the ticket costs and so on.
19. Use a USB card at University Open Days – use the space on the card to print some really good images of the University and what it stands for, and then use the memory capacity to load up all of the prospectus and course information, details of the accommodation, fees, deadlines, typical grades, league tables and information of student life at the University
20. Gift Vouchers with a little added extra – print the USB cards up to look like a gift voucher – include QR codes, unique serial numbers and add other security features, but fill the memory on the card with loads of special offers, sale events, preview events and so on. Small print runs of 25 or more make this a viable option for even the smallest business, pub or restaurant.
21. Take Away Restaurant Menu – The smaller memory sizes of the cards make them cheap enough for your local Take-Away to use – printed with their details on the front and back and pre-loaded with the menu on the card (and “locked” so it can’t be deleted) – handy for people to keep in their wallet or purse.
22. Fine dining restaurant menu and wine list – Brilliant “up-market” promotional tool for top end restaurants – send to your VIP customers to launch your new menu and include as much information/photos and any reviews you can on the restaurant.
23. Exam revision tool – hand out to student loaded with past papers, hints, guides, example answers, revision tools and anything else you think they might find useful.
24. Professional photographer’s marketing aid – USB cards make an ideal way to supply clients with their photos and the cards can be printed with some great portfolio shots.
25. Electronic Book – print the cards with detail of the book cover and load an electronic copy of the book onto the card. Include biography of the author, movie clips, reviews, exerts from other work and cross sells of other authors work. These can also be used for new book launches, but make sure the cards have serial numbers so you can trace where they end up!
26. Promote your Marketing and Advertising company – these cards make an excellent give-away to new prospective clients – a great way to showcase your work.
27. Use the USB Cards as a fundraising tool for any World Challenge event – print them up with some great images of your, your party and where you’re going and pre-load them with details of why you’re going, what you hope to achieve and how people can help – include links to fund raising pages and blogs and twitter accounts so they can follow your progress.
28. Venture capital fund raising tool – print with an image that will excite and inform and include your contact details on the back. Pre-load the USB card details of your business idea, your business case, any financial figures, links to any press coverage, biographies of the founders, shareholdings and levels of cash you are trying to raise. Ideally include a presentation (or two) and of course all of your contact details.
29. Competition prizes – if you’re running a competition, why not offer a set of branded USB cards as prizes. Each winner of a card can choose their imagery and you can send this off with your logo or watermark on the back – great for increased brand explosure!
30. Staff rewards and incentives – If you want to incentivise your staff then giving them a USB card with a large memory size is a great, practical gift. You can make sure you still brand this up to suit yourself, but give them the option of adding their own imagery if desired. They can use this for years to come, so definitely a gift with longevity!
You may not have considered branded USB credit cards previously, but the small additional cost is worth it in terms of the visual impact and much greater perceived value. If you are interested then give us a ring or fill out the on-line enquiry form and we’ll get back to you with a tailored quotation. We also offer a free design and mock-up service to help you visualise the end product. We always carry USB Credit Cards in stock and irrespective of what you want to use them for, they can be supplied printed in just 24hrs!