Small can be beautiful
Many couples started 2020 dreaming of their perfect wedding. Plans would have been well advanced - venues, cars, catering, invites, flowers, dresses, suits, photographer, videographer, seating plan……….then Covid-19!
Within the space of a few weeks, plans had been torn apart and dreams turned into nightmares.
Weddings were either cancelled, or when we emerged from the 1st lockdown guest numbers had been significantly reduced and strict restrictions introduced at wedding events themselves.
The UK wedding industry has lost an estimated £4.8bn due to the coronavirus pandemic, as a significant number of weddings were cancelled or postponed.
There was a 32% drop in weddings taking place in 2020, compared to the previous year, with 127,000 nuptials postponed, according to a study by
Some 80% of cancelled weddings have been rescheduled for 2021, meaning the wedding industry will have to cater for around 160,000 more weddings than usual next year.
Remarkably this still means that 68% of weddings did take place this year with the vast majority limited to 30 or 15 guests. Whilst extremely disappointing and frustrating that the dream weddings were not possible, there has been a few silver linings. Weddings have been more intimate allowing the bride and groom to spend more time with guests. The reduced number has also allowed for a ‘higher’ grade of venue and food. The major benefit has been the dramatic reduction in the cost of the overall wedding.
But reducing costs does not mean that quality is impacted. For example offering each guest a unique and personalised keep sake has added to the intimacy of the wedding. Such as a beautifully branded USB and gift box which can have a real wow factor. They are the ideal way to distribute photos and videos not only to guests that were at the special day, but for those that were unable to attend.
USB2U offers just such a range of products all finished in the UK and with no minimum quantity; Shop Now

I’m sure none of the couples would have chosen what has happened this year, but perhaps the normal benchmark for wedding budgets has now be reduced, as those lucky enough to tie the knot this year have proved that small can indeed be beautiful.