More Happy Couples Giving Out Their Wedding Photos on A USB Flash Drive

In the UK another 275,000 couples are expected to get married this year and in doing so they’ll spend around £5.5 billion on the wedding, the rings, the dresses, the flowers, the venue and the photographer(s).

Once the wedding day is over and the happy couple return from their honeymoon one of the real joys for lots of newly wed couples is sitting down with friends and family and passing around the wedding album and collectively reminiscing about the day, who wore what, who cried, how beautiful the bride looked and how funny the speeches were and how much they are looking forward to their married life together.

But, in an age where we increasingly live out our  lives on-line via social networking sites like Facebook and Flickr it’s useful to have the same photos supplied digitally so that they can be “uploaded” for all of your friends to see, in fact for some couples “digital” images have completely replaced “traditional” printed albums.

One of the benefits of having your Wedding Day portfolio supplied on a USB flash drive is that you can print your photos out at home (as many times as you want), you can attach the photos to emails and send them to friends and family or you can upload them to your favourite blog or social network site(s). Photos supplied in this way give you much more control and flexibility and you’re not sacrificing on the quality of the photographs just how they are delivered.

The USB flash drives don’t have to be standard “shop bought” models either, instead, they can be personalised USB flash drives that are supplied in an attractive gift box and both the flash drive and box can be printed with details of the wedding day and the name of the bride and groom!

USB Flash Drives for Wedding Albums

Some couples are now buying enough personalised flash drives to enable them to give them out to all of the guests at the wedding.  Each USB memory stick can be pre-loaded with either the whole wedding portfolio or tailored so that each guest or family member gets a collection of photos that is relevant to them. Loading additional photos of the bride and groom as children and during their courtship as well as photos from the stag and hen nights is something that’s also proving popular.

The move towards digital portfolios is also, in part, being driven by the wedding photographers themselves. Many are now offering highly professional USB flash drive “packages” where the wedding album is loaded onto a top quality USB flash drive and supplied in a gift box. Typically this is an “optional extra” rather than a product that replaces the more traditional prints but for the photographers it’s a great way to differentiate their service and drive more incremental revenue.

If you’re looking for printed USB flash drives and gift boxes for your wedding album(s) then give the team at USB2U a call.

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