Mark the Occasion with a Printed USB Memory Stick
If you’ve got a special event coming up then whether its something personal or business related you’re probably going to want to let people know about it, share you enthusiasm for it and excitement about it and generally let people know how they can join you in marking the occasion.
Increasingly in such circumstances people are using USB memory sticks printed with details of the event to achieve such a goal. Business examples include companies launching a new product, unveiling a new building, launching a new website or introducing a new product/pricing mix.
On the personal front printed USB memory sticks are frequently being used to celebrate the birth of a child, to announce an engagement and to celebrate a wedding (typically the printed USB sticks are circulated around family and friends but only after they have been loaded up with photos, video clips and music). Weddings in particular seem to be a strong area of growth for the USB stick with the happy couple now giving them away as wedding favours (pre-loaded of course with photos of the courtship, the stag and hen nights, personal mementos and pictures of the wedding) and professional wedding photographers are getting in on the act by using high quality USB sticks and packaging to differentiate their service and provide something a little bit different.
Schools are not being left out either with many now using printed USB memory sticks and USB wristbands to hand out to prospective pupils and parents at open days, to help students carry their work to/from home, to raise funds for school trips and expeditions and to generally raise the awareness of the school in the local community.
Charities are also finding printed USB memory sticks are a great way to get their message out in a format that encourages participation and donation. Rather than just sending a prospective supporter a flyer or inert Direct Mail pack by sending them a USB memory stick pre-loaded with photos, videos, Direct Debit Mandate forms and links to their web sites, their donation pages etc. they are able to communicate much more effectively and at a deeper level – unlike standard DM packs very few people will simply throw away a USB stick without first plugging it into a computer and if you load the right data in the right format you’ll get their attention.
So, if you have a special event coming up soon and you want something a little bit different to help you mark the occasion then why not use a printed USB memory stick – you can get them today for less than £2 each (printed and pre-loaded) and if you speak to the right suppliers they can be with you in as little as 24-48hrs so if you’re one of those people that leaves everything to the last minute they are still a possibility.