Custom USB Flash Drives For The University of Plymouth
If you’re one of the leading Universities in the UK and you want to hand out USB flash drives to your students to help them carry their work files to and from the university then it makes sense to choose a flash drive that reflects the DNA of the university.
In the case of The University of Plymouth they didn’t just want a standard flash drive that was printed with their logo instead they wanted a fully customised USB drive that matched the shape and colour of the monolith that marks the entrance to the University. The finished custom USB flash drive looks similar to a standard rectangular flash drive but has a distinctive sloping edge and is of course branded up with the Plymouth University logo.
Additionally, Plymouth University were keen that the flash drives could be personalised by each student so a white “signature panel” was included on the reverse of each flash drive. Handy in the event of the flash drives getting mixed up in lectures or simply lost on the campus.
The finished flash drives were supplied with a customised blue lanyard and the overall effect was stunning.
Custom USB flash drives are increasingly being used by universities not only to hand out (or sell) to their students but many are now using them to distribute prospectuses on and other course material. It’s not unusual these days to go to University or University department Open Days and be handed a printed flash drive that contains all the information you’ll need on the University, what courses are on offer, what the expected offer levels will be, what the key dates are and how to apply.
In many cases it’s cheaper for the universities to buy flash drives and get all this information loaded onto the drives rather than get the paper prospectuses printed. The added benefit is the data loaded on the flash drives can be changed at the last minute (if needs be) and they can be re-used again the following year if too many are ordered – you simply wipe the data and re-load them again!
It looks like paper prospectuses are still going to be with us for some time to come but the availably of the same information over the web, on memory sticks and on products like iPads and Kindles is eventually going to lead to their demise.