Be Remembered – Hand out a USB Business Cards

Despite murmurs of a slight recovery in the UK economy, trading conditions are still incredibly tough with many business owners just about getting by and hoping they will see out the recession and still have a business left at the end of it.

During this time businesses will often take a long hard look at their costs base and see where cuts can be made. Typically one of the first areas to take a “hit” is the advertising and marketing budget. Even if this particular budget escapes unscathed from any review there is normally a directive to squeeze more value from any spend. Translated this means negotiate a better deal from your suppliers or spend the money as effectively as possible including a review of new marketing and advertising opportunities and techniques.

For many companies this will mean a shift in focus to the web ensuring their company website is fully optimised and they have a well-executed and complimentary social marketing strategy. For others whose business is primarily conducted face to face we expect to see a shift towards the use of USB Business Cards instead of traditional paper business cards.

USB Business Cards

USB Business Card are the same size as a credit card, they are very thin (2mm thick), they can be printed on both sides and they come in a range of different memory sizes (1GB, 2GB, 4GB, 8GB and 16GB) with even the smallest memory size capable of being pre-loaded with all of your corporate brochures, product sheets, pricing lists, website links, media files etc.

In a crowded market USB Business Cards can help your business stand out, they create a bit of “buzz” and a “wow” factor when they are handed out and they’re certainly a “ice breaker” if that’s what you need. They fulfil all the basic requirements of a standard business card (giving your contact details, title and website address) but they go so much further than this.

USB Business Cards can help you reduce other marketing spend because:

  • By loading your brochures electronically onto them you can save a small fortune on print, storage and distribution costs
  • They’re excellent for seminar and conference organisers because all of the speakers notes and slides cab be pre-loaded onto them again saving print and collation costs.
  • You create a great reason to pick up the phone and make a follow up call – “did you have a chance to read the brochure on the USB card, watch the video etc.”
  • They’ll create a much stronger and longer lasting impact than a standard business card so you get a much bigger bang for your buck!

USB2U are currently offering free leather wallets or free magnetic boxes for with all orders of USB business cards but be quick because the offer won’t last long!

USB Business Card Offer

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